“Altid tilgængelig, meget ærlig, og fremfor alt har jeg en jeg altid kan stole på, og altid har rådgivet mig til de rigtige valg både sportsligt og i livet.”

Jeg har altid følt at det har været min og min families interesse der har været første prioritet. Jeg har aldrig skulle tænke på andet end at spille ishockey. Jeg har fået hjælp med alle slags udfordringer, om det var vedrørende min sport eller ej. 

Jesper Aabo Jensen
People in Sport, Jesper Aabo Jensen, Photographer: Thomas-Sjørup-Scanpix
Ice hockey

Meet the ice hockey team from People in Sport

"A good agent has a massive, solid network, both nationally and internationally, and must always offer an individual, 360-degree service. The agent must also know when other expertise may need to be brought in. This could be legal advice, coaching, tax advice or anything else where the good agent knows when their own expertise is not sufficient.

The aim is to ensure the full potential of every client

In People in Sport, you are treated as a "whole" person and not just as a "football, ice hockey or handball player". In this way, we help to ensure that both the game, family life and school can be connected so that the player has the best opportunities to perform on the field.

Mads Winther - Founder of People in Sport